
Mantra: I -Yu - Wha -Ya -Wha - Hey
Affirmation: I fill myself with Light
Meaning: This mantra consists of a series of sounds that create a vibration or energy aimed at filling the soul with light and positive energy. The sounds are not specifically tied to a traditional language such as Sanskrit, but can be seen as universal sounds that resonate with higher frequencies of consciousness and purification.

Mudra: Light Mudra
Formation of the Mudra: Look up, cross your hands above your head. This creates the braiding movement of the main nadis ida and pingala, which channel the light of solar and lunar energies.
Effects of the Mudra: Light Mudra is known for increasing life energy (prana) in the body. It promotes vitality and helps stimulate the inner light. It creates space in the heart region and lifts the spine.
Meditation: While holding the Light Mudra in a comfortable seated position, visualize with each inhalation the Light entering your body, filling you from head to toe. With each exhalation, imagine the Light expanding, illuminating your entire being. Make the braiding movement, from top to bottom. In a circular motion, bring your arms back above your head in Light Mudra, feeling as if you are spreading your wings.
- For energy and vitality: Use this mantra and mudra to increase your energy level and fill yourself with positive, vibrant energy.
- During meditation for enlightenment: To fill your mind and body with light, leading to a sense of inner clarity and peace.
In essence, you are Light and Pure Consciousness. You increase your frequency by tuning into this vibration.
Let colors dance and fill dark places within you with light. Thus, you create space and experience greatness. Behold your body as a temple filled with light.
Formation of the Mudra: Look up and cross your hands above your head. This creates the braiding movement of the main nadis, ida and pingala, which channel the light of solar and lunar energies.
Effects of the Mudra: Light Mudra is known for increasing life energy (prana) in the body. It promotes vitality and helps stimulate the inner light. It creates space in the heart region and lifts the spine.
Meditation: While holding the Light Mudra in a comfortable seated position, visualize with each inhalation the Light entering your body, filling you from head to toe. With each exhalation, imagine the Light expanding, illuminating your entire being. Make the braiding movement, from top to bottom. In a circular motion, bring your arms back above your head in Light Mudra, feeling as if you are spreading your wings.
- For energy and vitality: Use this mudra to increase your energy level and fill yourself with positive, vibrant energy.
- During meditation for enlightenment: To fill your mind and body with light, leading to a sense of inner clarity and peace.
In essence, you are Light and Pure Consciousness. You increase your frequency by tuning into this vibration. Let colors dance and fill dark places within you with light. Thus, you create space and experience greatness. Behold your body as a temple filled with light.
Explanation of the movement:
From the Lotus Mudra, fill yourself with Light. Make a fluid and intertwined snake-like movement towards the Earth. This is a vertical and harmonizing movement where energy flows from top to bottom. You gather the Light in your heart. You anchor this energy in your belly. Your Lotus has taken root. From the Earth, you rise again towards the Sky. Thus, there is a vertical flow of light from the Sky to the Earth and from the Earth to the Sky.
I am bathed in Light.