Ra Ma Da Sa

The mantra "Ra Ma Da Sa" combined with the affirmation "I realize my dreams" is a beautiful combination that can help in manifesting and realizing your dreams and goals. This mantra is often used for healing and manifestation.
Mantra: Ra Ma Da Sa
Affirmation: I realize my dreams
Meaning: "Ra Ma Da Sa" is a powerful mantra in Kundalini yoga known as the Siri Gaitri Mantra. Each word in this mantra represents a different aspect of the universal healing process:
- Ra stands for solar energy.
- Ma is lunar energy.
- Da is earthly energy.
- Sa stands for infinity, the universal self.
While chanting "Ra Ma Da Sa," the fingertips alternately touch the thumb. This mantra helps to attune to cosmic energies and supports the process of realizing and manifesting your deepest desires and dreams.

Mudra: Cosmic Mudra
Formation of the Mudra: Connect the fingertips of both hands and form a circle above the head.
Meditation: Sitting or standing, perform the Cosmic Mudra and breathe deeply. With each repetition of the mantra, visualize your dreams coming true. Use the exhalation to release any doubts or obstacles.
- For Manifestation and Realization: Use this mantra and mudra to focus on achieving your dreams and ambitions.
- During Meditation: To tune into universal energies and seek assistance.
- In Moments of Uncertainty: To find confidence and clarity.
Stimulate your imagination and connect with your creativity. Take a sheet of paper and a pencil and draw fluid movements in spirals. Close your eyes and flow into this energy. Reconnecting with the flow of life brings joy and fulfillment.
Explanation of the Movement
Each finger represents a force. Consciously touch each fingertip with the thumbs. This stimulates various functions in your body. The fingertips together form a diamond, representing a strong concentration of energy, and thus works powerfully for healing. By joining both hands, you create the infinity symbol, which enhances manifestation power. You open up to inspiration and bring it to the earth. You need grounding to realize your dreams: stay in this position with the palms facing the ground. This way, you consciously connect with Mother Earth and bring peace within yourself.
Ra Ma Da Sa
I find healing and support from the universe and manifest my dreams.