
Mantra: Savitur
Affirmation: I receive vitality
Meaning: "Savitur" refers in the Vedic texts to Savitr, an aspect of the sun as creator and source of life. This mantra is connected to the sun and its life-giving energy. The use of "Savitur" helps to attract vitality, energy, and positive force into your life, similar to how the sun gives life and energy to the earth.

Mudra: Surya Mudra (Sun Mudra)
Formation of the Mudra: Place the ring finger down towards the base of the thumb and press it with the thumb. The other fingers remain relaxed and extended. This mudra can be performed with both hands.
Effects of the Mudra: Surya Mudra is known for increasing fire energy in the body, which can boost metabolism and energy levels.
Meditation: In a comfortable seated position with Surya Mudra, breathe deeply and imagine that with each inhalation you are absorbing the energy and warmth of the sun. With each exhalation, visualize this energy spreading throughout your body, filling you with vitality and strength.
- For energy and vitality: Tune into the energy of the sun for renewed strength and vitality.
- During meditation: To focus on receiving life energy and strength.
- In periods of fatigue: To promote a natural boost of energy and enthusiasm.
Be aware that the first rays of sunlight of the day give the most energy. Show gratitude for everything that is imbued with life force: experience the sun also in a burning fire, and even by lighting a candle. Nourish yourself with living foods full of colors and scents, such as fruits and vegetables. Surround yourself with warm colors like red, orange, and yellow. Place your water in the sun to recharge it. Drink the sun and fill your being with this light.
Explanation of the movement
Create a vortex of energy around you. From bottom to top, top to bottom, inside to outside, and outside to inside. Do this with the Prana Mudra, the mudra of life force. Feel the rays of light around you and within you. You are the sun, the all-pervading force of vitality.
I activate the solar energy within me.